Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Oops a daisy?!

Take 2...

Mon forgot it was Tuesday.  It happens.  Especially when you have a baby.  And she has two. Two babies.  At the same time.

I enjoyed dinner with her, that she had already cooked having forgotten the day of the week.

Everyone is a winner!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Dinner time: Baked lamb and apricot couscous

Week 1 – we finally have found a Tuesday night that hasn’t had something else crop up.  And, so we begin!  The recipe this week is special thanks to my good friend Emma B.  Tonight, I attempt to make Baked lamb and apricot couscous. If you like how it turned out – find the recipe here.
I go to the shops after work with the list of required ingredients.  I decided to buy the lamb from the local butcher, as it is asking for 500g lamb fillets, sinew trimmed and I reckon they know all about that. I have all I need, except there is no cinnamon sticks or ras el hanout (special Moroccan spices)… Awkward?!  I go to another lot of shops and pick up the last couple of items.  NB: Need to make sure all ingredients are available at the shops when you are there, or pick a different recipe.
I arrive and the girls are unsettled, so Mon and Johno are otherwise occupied.  Perfect.  I set about finding a knife, cutting board, dish, measuring spoons and cups.  I line all the ingredients up (double checking I have everything) and then I begin.

It worked.  The meal tasted pretty good although not everyone liked the chickpeas.  I actually surprised myself with how well it turned out.  It was suggested to try cooking it in a Tagine.  There is another recipe for that.  Maybe we will try something similar in a couple of weeks.
Total time from arriving to eating:  1 hr and 7 minutes.  Start 6:41 pm. Eat time: 7:48 pm.  Hmmm – some room for improvement there.  That included time to prep, cut-up, cook and plate up. And a couple of photos!

Looking for a recipe for next week – who has one?